Are You Experiencing Both Back AND Neck Pain? PT Can Help

Relieve Your Back and Neck Pain with the Help of Physical Therapy!

Back and neck pain are very common problems that many people deal with throughout the course of their lives.

According to the National Institute of Health, back pain is one of the most common reasons people see a doctor or miss days at work. Even school-age children can have back pain.

Unfortunately, it's not always a straightforward job to locate the exact cause of pain you experience in your neck or back. Pain can also spread to your arms, legs, and head.

Fortunately, physical therapy can help .People often end up paying for costly surgeries to find relief, or falling back on addictive medications that can cause adverse health effects later in life.

However, there is a safer remedy for pain in the back and neck: physical therapy!

How can physical therapy help with my back and neck pain?

No matter what age you are, neck and back pain is absolutely not easy to deal with! The good news?

Physical exercise, regardless of the root cause of pain, has been shown to help with neck pain or back pain. For those trying to prevent costly procedures or dangerous drugs, physical therapy is a completely safe, natural, and effective mode of care.

If you have pain in your neck or back, contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation today and see how physical therapy will help you get back to a pain-free life.

Our physical therapists are trained and waiting for you; they've helped a lot of people, and you're next in line!

What can I expect from a PT treatment plan?

A personalized recovery plan that is tailored to your needs will be developed by your physical therapist.

Since the origin of your back or neck pain may vary, this treatment plan may be different for you than it would be for anyone else.

For example, you might be experiencing pain because of a herniated disc, a degenerative disc disease, whiplash from an auto accident, a sports injury, arthritis or poor posture.

A few conditions that could be the root cause of the pain you’re feeling are as follows:

  • Strains & sprains: This is a very common issue that sends people straight to a physical therapist. It is not uncommon for athletes to incur sprains and strains to the neck or back regions when engaging in sports that require aggressive overuse of a body part or muscle.
  • Osteoarthritis: Arthritis is developed due to wear and tear on the facet joints. This causes friction when bending, can result in pinching a nerve root, or in sciatica.
  • Degenerative disc disease: This condition occurs when there is wear and tear on the discs.
  • A herniated disc: This condition occurs when the gel-like material of the disc bulges or leaks out.

How can a physical therapist help me?

A thorough evaluation of your physical condition will be done, and a customized recovery plan will be formulated to remedy the cause of your back or neck pain.

To find the root cause of your back or neck pain, your physical therapist will perform a comprehensive examination. To test your range of motion, he or she may use an instrument called a goniometer. It is also likely that they will conduct a strength test on you.

Spinal mobility is assessed along with palpation in order to find sore or tight muscles. Your physical therapist will also ask you to perform some activities in order to find out what your level of functional mobility is.

Your physical therapist will also take a look at your medical history to see if there are any factors that could be contributing to the discomfort you are currently experiencing, such as previous accidents or surgeries.

During this time, you can discuss the things that you are now not able to do as a result of any past injuries you might have sustained.

What else should I know?

There are several common methods of physical therapy for neck and back pain. Physical therapy for these disorders focuses on spinal support systems.

They include tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. Physical therapists typically provide stretches, exercises, and adjustments to alleviate discomfort in the neck and back.

Some therapists also use water exercises to make the therapy even easier. Aquatic therapy is helpful because the buoyancy of the water eliminates the pressure from the cervical and lumbar spine when you exercise.

Passive physical therapy also involves a range of techniques, such as heat or ice therapy, massage therapy, electrotherapy, and ultrasound therapy.

Heat or ice therapy can increase blood circulation to speed up the healing process and reduce swelling and inflammation. Massage therapy will relax your muscles to reduce your pain.

With electrotherapy, electrical waves are sent directly to the sensory nerves to prevent the signs of pain from reaching the brain. Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to reach deep into the tissues and soothe affected areas.

Ready to get started?

Make a call today and learn how we can get you on the road to recovery.

When we have the answer right here; there's no need to suffer from pain any longer! Contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation today.


Improve Your Balance Today with Core Strengthening Exercises

Become Steady on Your Feet with the Help of Physical Therapy!

Did you know that strengthening your core muscles is related to the development of better balance? It’s true!

When your core muscles are good, they have a better chance of stopping you from suffering chronic lower back pain and other injuries.

They can even stop you from losing your balance or falling over. A strong core helps hold you in an upright position, particularly as you get older and become more at risk of falling and injuring yourself.

If you are interested to learn more about developing a core routine to strengthen your balance, please contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Schedule a meeting with one of our licensed physical therapists today!

Have you tried the drawing in maneuver?

To start with, stand up straight. Find the right pelvic position by moving your hips forward and backward until you are relaxed. Then take a deep breath and draw your belly button to your spine. Make sure you don’t hold your breath, because this isn’t a breathing exercise!

You’re supposed to be able to speak, breathe, and walk around your house with your belly button pulled in. It sounds pretty straightforward on paper, but if you’re older, recovering from injury, or out of shape in general, it’s going to be a little difficult at first.

The goal is to build up your core strength until you can keep your belly button for 30 seconds. Then you can move on to some more demanding core exercises.

If you feel any pain at all from this maneuver, stop right away, as it shouldn’t be painful!

As you build up your core, your physical therapist will recommend that you move on to more strenuous tasks and workouts that are better suited to your age and capacity.

They range from bridges and planks for more athletic individuals, to gentler routines (like yoga) for older individuals. Your therapist will also work with you on clear core activities to help you balance.

Improve your core muscles strength and balance with PT!

You don’t need a bunch of expensive gym equipment to start working on your core strength. In fact, here’s a quick exercise that many physical therapists will recommend if you’re just starting out. It’s called the “drawing in maneuver,” or if you prefer the less fancy term, “sucking your gut in.”

Contrary to what many believe, it’s not necessary to go out and buy a ton of expensive gym equipment or memberships to work on your core strength. According to the Mayo Clinic, any exercise that involves the use of your abdominal and back counts as a core exercise.

Here is a fast and easy exercise that many physical therapists recommend to patients who are just beginning to work on theirs. It’s referred to as the “drawing-in maneuver.” We all have probably done it before; ever heard of the phrase “suck your gut in?” This is pretty much the same thing!

What should I know about my core?

Most people believe that when you’re working on your core, you’re just doing abs, but your core muscles are more than just abs! There are two types of core muscles: the inner core and the outer core.

The inner core muscles are attached to the spine. These are the muscles that balance the core and hold it in the correct place. The outer core muscles work together with the inner core muscles when you need to rotate your body to perform much of everyday physical activities.

Core stability has to do with the inner core muscles. These muscles are stabilizing for the spine. Core strength relates to the outer core muscles, and when properly formed, works to help you move about with ease.

Frequent visits with a licensed physical therapist will help you train your inner and outer core muscles for improved balance and movement!

How balance and core strength complement one another in your core muscles

In total, your body has three systems that help regulate and sustain your balance. The first one is the vestibular system, which is responsible for giving your brain the necessary information it needs about how we move, our head position, motor functions, etc.

The liquid in your inner ear functions as part of this system, sort of like a “carpenter’s balance” to keep you level. If you’ve ever found yourself feeling off-kilter or dizzy, it means that the liquid in the vestibular system is off a bit.

The second balancing system is your visual system. Your eyes send informational signals to your brain regarding your position in relevance to the world around you. The third balancing system is the proprioceptive system, which deals with your core and the muscles in that area.

Your proprioceptive nerves are sensory nerves located all over your body. They make you aware of your posture, as well as aware of where you are positioned compared to things surrounding you.

In order to stay properly balanced, all three of these systems need to be in equilibrium. A weak core is one element that can not only throw off this internal equilibrium, but can also make you feel off balance to the point of falling over.

Improve your balance today!

Physical therapy will help if you have a poor core or are struggling with balance!

Your physical therapist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your condition, determine your physical ability, and build a personalized care plan to suit your needs.

Please contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation and arrange a meeting today to get started with a physical therapist.


Ready to Gain More Energy and Say Goodbye to Pain?

Better Your Health with These 5 Tips!

If you have recently been dealing with pain and are searching for lasting relief, our physical therapists are here for you. With a personalized physical therapy plan, you can discover highly efficient ways to treat your pain and improve your overall energy levels.

Our physical therapists have the experience to help you actually live a pain-free life. Please contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation today to learn more and arrange your first appointment with us!

Here are five helpful tips that you can use to generate more energy and alleviate acute or chronic pain!

1. Make sure to hydrate

It is recommended that we drink about an ounce of water for each pound we weigh each day! That seems like a lot, but it normally averages out to be around 7-8 glasses.

Drinking enough water will prevent you from dehydrating, and this will allow you to avoid muscle cramps, headaches, fatigue, and constipation.

Water is always the healthiest drink option, so make sure you keep a full bottle or thermos near you at all times during the day.

You will notice that the more water you drink, the less pain you feel, and the more energy you have. The added bonus is that it can help you keep your appetite under control so you’re less likely to gain unnecessary weight.

2. Practice proper posture

If you make improvements with your posture it can make a massive difference with your overall health.

A physical therapy program can help you improve your posture, and this is something you can also carry out long term. Sitting and standing with your shoulders back, chest out, and a straight spine is a good start.

Avoid sitting slumped over a book, desk, or your computer at work! Your physical therapist can guide you towards proper posture habits that will help relieve pain and pressure.

3. Make ergonomic changes to the way you sit

The way you sit can have a massive impact on your pain and energy levels. Your physical therapist might recommend that you change the way you’re sitting to relieve pain.

A lumbar cushion behind your back can help relieve pressure in your lower back region. By avoiding pain, you’ll feel less zapped of energy at the end of the day. Your physical therapist will be able to offer a specialized treatment plan full of tips and exercises to help you adjust your sitting habits at home and in your work environment.

It’s also important to make sure you’re not sitting for prolonged periods without breaks. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome.”

Be sure to take breaks at work and get up to move around!

4. Get moving

Most of us underestimate how critical it is to move around a lot every day. This is something physical therapy will make very clear to you! When you are in pain, it might be instinct to curl up in the fetal position on your side, but that’s the worst option you can choose.

Forcing yourself to get up and walk around a bit every hour is a better choice, even if you just take a simple walk around the room. This can help relieve your pain immensely, and give you an extra boost of energy.

5. Make sure to breathe

Obviously you’re breathing all the time, however, it’s not focused breathing! Your physical therapist will show you how practicing focused breathing techniques can help relieve your pain and give you an energy boost during the day.

Every few hours, make sure you take a moment to yourself to stop, shut your eyes, and breathe. Breathe in deeply through your nose.

Make sure your lungs are as full as possible, and then breathe out through your mouth. Let a bit of air out through your lips by keeping them lightly pursed, and focus on nothing but your breathing for a few minutes.

You’ll be shocked at how much of a difference it can make with your energy and stress levels!

Ready to get started?

Physical therapy is a safe, healthy, non-invasive way to recover from injury or illness and get back to feeling your absolute best. Be sure to use the tips above to add to your customized physical therapy plan for optimum results.

If you’re ready to learn more about how healthy eating and exercise will bring back your energy and alleviate irritating pain, we’re here for you! Call Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation today to arrange a consultation with a licensed physical therapist!


Ready to Relieve Pain the Natural Way? Say Goodbye to Drugs with PT

Kick Pain Management Drugs to the Curb Today!

The world we live in today is heavily medicated. Go to any grocery store or pharmacy and you'll find countless over-the-counter drugs. Doctors also consistently prescribe more extreme pain relievers, including opioids that have been widely abused over the years. Drug abuse is everywhere, and it is an ongoing battle that patients are constantly fighting.

If you've ever experienced an injury, you know it can turn your everyday life upside down. If it's a car accident, a sports-related injury, a workplace injury, or even an unintentional fall, the pain from a sudden injury can make you feel helpless. To fight this, many people resort to pain-relieving medications, such as opioids. However, what many people don't know is how much more damage these drugs do to their body than they realize.

If you're struggling with chronic pain but don't want to pump your body full of addictive drugs, you'll be delighted to discover a better, safer alternative: physical therapy. Physical therapy is a natural and effective approach to chronic pain that can make you feel better in the long-term. Let's look at how this kind of natural treatment will boost your quality of life!

You can choose the natural path to pain relief!

Your physical therapist is going to show you what to do but they don't have to do all the work! In order for physical therapy to be effective for you, you have to make an effort.

Our physical therapists here will take the time to teach you about your pain and the value of maintaining your stretches and workouts at home for long-term relief.

However, at the end of the day, you make the decision to completely partake in your journey to get rid of pain!

How can a physical therapist help relieve my pain?

Because everybody is different, and the pain levels of everyone are different, physical therapy procedures must be as well! Depending on your particular condition, your physical therapy pain treatment strategy may be different from anyone else's.

Your doctor might decide to use massage therapy, heat, ice, ultrasound, or other therapies to relieve your pain and speed up the healing process if you are dealing with pain from a recent injury.

If you are able to get up and exercise comfortably, a physical therapist will recommend simple stretching, walking, swimming, or cycling to assist with the mobilization process.

These kinds of physical therapy are excellent for helping to restore mobility to soft tissues, allowing them to function more freely and comfortably. They are also excellent at keeping arthritic joints mobile and lubricated.

Strengthening exercises can repair and rehabilitate weakened muscles to avoid causing pain. Physical therapy often includes certain exercises to help strengthen your posture, balance, and gait.

Why YOU should choose physical therapy

If you keep up with the news on a daily basis, you’ve most likely heard about the dangers of opioids. These narcotics, which include both illegal drugs and prescription medication, are the cause for at least 115 overdose deaths in America every single day.

The APTA states that clinicians “[…] should consider opioid therapy only if expected benefits for both pain and function are anticipated to outweigh risks to the patient." Opioids are extremely powerful and can interact with other drugs in a dangerous way. They also lead to abuse and addiction as well.

Steroids are another dangerous class of prescription medication, and pose many risks and dangers to your health. Epidural steroid injections are used to relieve pain, but can cause arthritis in the hips, cataracts, stomach ulcers, elevated blood sugar, and nerve damage stemming from the injection itself.

Even ordinary NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are capable of causing liver problems and bleeding in the stomach, which is worrisome, because many people who don’t even have chronic injuries use these daily.

Physical therapy can prevent you from having to deal with all of these unpleasant side effects. Some cases of severe discomfort might still require you to take medication, but physical therapy helps plenty of patients decrease -- or even eliminate -- their dependence on pain medication.

Our physical therapists will use a combination of treatment techniques to help get your pain condition under control, no matter if it’s from an acute injury, or a wound from a recent surgery.

Physical therapy is a good option for you especially if you’re looking for ongoing chronic pain management that doesn’t include constant drug usage, or if you’re already on other essential medications and you’re worried about how they will interact with your pain meds.

Ready to get started?

It should be clear now that opioids and over-the-counter medications are not the only choice for pain relief.

There are a variety of treatment services available to you via physical therapy. Our therapists are here, waiting for your call!

Contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation today to learn more about our natural options and get back to a drug-free, pain-free lifestyle.


Relieve Your Achy Joints with These 3 Tips!

Physical Therapy Can Help You Live Your Life Comfortably

If you are living with chronic pain in your joints, you are not alone. In fact, 20% of the United States population experiences chronic pain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

At our physical therapy clinic, we work with people every day who are dealing with the physical and mental effects of chronic pain caused by conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

So, if your joints are achy and stiff, we invite you to consider working with a physical therapist in the New Year.

The top 3 benefits of physical therapy for joint pain relief

You don't deserve to spend every day in pain, and with physical therapy you may not have to!

Here are three reasons to work with a physical therapist for your achy joints:

1. A natural, holistic treatment method

Did you know that the CDC and other professional organizations officially recognize physical therapy as a safe alternative to pain-relieving medications like opioids?

Physical therapy has been proven research studies to be effective for alleviating chronic joint pain and may even help you cut down on your medication (with your doctor's supervision, of course).

For example, non-invasive modalities like electrical stimulation, diathermy, or ultrasound used by physical therapists can alleviate spasms and naturally block pain signals.

This kind of short-term pain relief is valuable because it helps you participate in rehabilitation exercises and get better sleep, which we know is important for overall health and stress relief. But physical therapy can also help you achieve longer-term pain relief.

2. Physical therapy can provide you long-term relief

Beyond alleviating your joint pain and stiffness, a physical therapist also uses a variety of individually tailored techniques and services that can address the root causes of your joint issues.

In the long-term, this can help you avoid or minimize daily pain, slow disease progression, and even prevent your joint problem from getting worse.

Examples include:

  • Neuromuscular education techniques to improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls, which may otherwise exacerbate your pain
  • Prescription and fitting of custom orthoses, braces, and other devices to support, compensate for, and/or alleviate pressure on your affected joints
  • Therapeutic exercises and stretches to correct strength or mobility imbalances, promote tissue healing, and improve overall joint function and stability
  • Manual techniques like joint mobilizations and massage to improve joint alignment, reduce swelling and stiffness, and break up painful adhesions

3. A physical therapist is there every step of the way

When you work with a physical therapist, he or she becomes a partner in your healing and health.

By teaching you exercises, mindfulness techniques, lifestyle modifications, breathing techniques, and safer ways to function in your daily life, your therapist can empower you to prevent recurring issues and optimize your overall health.

With less pain, greater strength, and improved function, you gain more independence and support your caregivers, too.

Could the cause of your joint pain be arthritis?

Did you know that arthritis is the leading cause of disability across the United States? According to the Arthritis Foundation, approximately 50 million people live with arthritis.

While it is possible for arthritis to develop in any joint, it most commonly affects the neck, back, hands, hips and knees.

There are two main types of arthritis that are the most common culprits when it comes to joint pain: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Here is a closer look at these types of arthritis:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's healing systems attack the joints. This causes inflammation of the joints, which can be extremely painful. Rheumatoid arthritis usually begins in the hands, wrists or feet, but it can spread to the hips, knees or shoulders -- getting progressively worse -- if you aren't proactive in combating it. If you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor will likely prescribe pharmaceutical treatments to stave off the symptoms. However, physical therapy can be a tremendous help as well.
  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most common type of arthritis by far. It typically develops later in life and can be caused by poor body mechanics, overuse of the joint or an injury. The cartilage in joints serves as a natural barrier that lubricates and distributes force during physical activity. When that cartilage breaks down and no longer provides a cushion between adjoining bones, the result is osteoarthritis. The hands, hips, knees and spine are the most common body parts impacted by osteoarthritis.

Certain ailments like gout, bursitis, lupus or tendinitis can also contribute to joint pain.

The source of your joint pain may cause the specific course of physical therapy that is recommended for you to vary.

Relieve your joint pains today!

Is it time to see what physical therapy can do for your chronic pain?

Contact our physical therapy clinic today to schedule an appointment and get on the road to a life freer from pain.

Chronic Joint Pain Doesn’t Have to Control Your Life – Find Relief with Physical Therapy

Did You Know An Estimated 54.4 Million U.S. Adults Are Diagnosed With Arthritis?

54.4 million adults living in the United States are diagnosed with arthritis - that equates to about 1 in 4 Americans. Of those, about 27% report experiencing severe joint pain.

If you are one of these adults living day to day with severe joint pain, we can help. Contact Washington Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation today to learn more about how physical therapy can help relieve and manage your chronic joint pain.

Why physical therapy is better than surgery for chronic joint pain relief

According to Harvard Health Publishing,

“Trying physical therapy before opting for surgery may be the better choice. You may be able to spare yourself the expense, pain, and recovery time of surgery, says physical therapist Karen Weber, clinical supervisor at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Outpatient Centers in Braintree and Quincy, Mass.

There is growing evidence supporting that idea. In the past few years, studies have indicated that physical therapy is just as effective as surgery for relieving pain and restoring function for people with arthritis in their knees or backs.”

Why physical therapy is ideal for arthritis pain

Physical therapy focuses on improving mobility for those with arthritis. It also restores the use of affected joints, reduces pain and strengthens muscles to support the joints. A physical therapist will create an individualized treatment plan to improve flexibility, coordination and strength for maximum physical function.

Specifically, a physical therapist will use exercise and manual therapy to treat arthritis. Strengthening exercises and weight-bearing exercises are implemented to improve joint lubrication. This helps reduce the pain associated with arthritis.

A physical therapist will develop a treatment plan that targets all areas of the body affecting the pain. For example, if you suffer from knee pain, the exercise regimen will include proper knee mechanics and the lower back, ankle and hip. Physical therapists also use various manual therapy techniques like joint and soft tissue mobilization to treat the symptoms of arthritis.

Joint mobilization entails the moving of a joint through working with a natural level of resistance. This technique helps stretch and strengthen the tissue surrounding bone and reduces pain and increases range of motion.

Other passive modalities that a physical therapist may use to treat pain from arthritis include ultrasound, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), cryotherapy or heat. TENS utilizes electrodes to trick the pain from feeling pain.

Ultrasound utilizes heat to help the deep tissues of joints. It helps reduce inflammation and pain. Cryotherapy reduces inflammation and swelling. All around, physical therapy is a holistic treatment for arthritis.

So, what are the different types of arthritis?

There are many types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis is the most common type. The cushioning surface on the bones wears away, and bone rubs against bone.

The joints can lose strength, and joint pain is often chronic. With inflammatory arthritis, the immune system goes awry. It attacks the joints with inflammation. This can cause joint erosion and joint pain.

Infectious arthritis occurs when a virus or bacteria enters the joint. Even though antibiotics may end the infection, arthritis can become chronic. Metabolic arthritis is due to too much uric acid in the body. It can build up and cause chronic joint pain.

Passive and active therapies

Once our physical therapist has isolated the underlying cause of your chronic joint pain, we can prescribe techniques to help you start feeling - and moving - more like your old self.

Physical therapy for joint pain may start with passive exercises, in which we move the afflicted joint for you to increase its pain-free range of motion.

Exercises that reduce the amount of weight on the joints can also be extremely helpful. For instance, we may recommend swimming or water walking as a means of exercising the hips and knees without also forcing them to bear your full weight.

Other types of exercises can also help you overcome your joint pain while improving joint function. Strengthening exercises help by reinforcing the muscles and connective tissues that serve the joint. Corrective exercises and neuromuscular re-education can help you maintain a straighter, more symmetrical posture.

Last but not least, physical therapy offers a variety of helpful modalities beyond exercise. We may treat your joint pain with heat, ice, and manual therapies such as massage, just to name a few.

Schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists today

If you’re suffering from arthritis, it’s wise to consider physical therapy.

Not only is it non-invasive, you may be able to throw away those pain meds. The goal of physical therapy is to help you live an active, pain-free life.

Contact us today to get started!


Find Effective Relief for Your Hip and Knee Pains Today With Physical Therapy

Are You Living With Hip or Knee Pain? Physical Therapy Can Help

There are so many causes of hip and knee pain, from excess weight to sports injuries, advancing age to repetitive motion injuries. Whatever the cause of your hip and/or knee pain, if you are experiencing it regularly you need to find a way to manage it.

Many people use medications like anti-inflammatories to minimize their discomfort. However, these medications have potential side effects, so it can be helpful to find other ways to relieve your pain. Physical therapy may be the solution you are looking for.

The many benefits of physical therapy

Once our physical therapist has isolated the underlying cause of your hip or knee pain, we can prescribe techniques to help you start feeling - and moving - more like your old self.

Physical therapy for hip or knee pain may start with passive exercises, in which we move the afflicted joint for you to increase its pain-free range of motion.

Exercises that reduce the amount of weight on the joints can also be extremely helpful. For instance, we may recommend swimming or “water walking” as a way to exercise the hips and knees without also forcing them to bear your full weight.

Other types of exercises can also help you overcome your hip or knee pain while improving joint function. Strengthening exercises help by reinforcing the muscles and connective tissues that serve the joint. Corrective exercises and neuromuscular re-education can help you maintain a straighter, more symmetrical posture.

Last but not least, physical therapy offers a variety of helpful modalities beyond exercise. We may treat your joint pain with heat, ice, manual techniques, and more!

Physical therapy over prescription drugs

If your doctor has prescribed you pain relievers it is best to follow the guidance of your doctor.

However, you are welcome to discuss physical therapy with your doctor as well.

If you find that your pain level has decreased through physical therapy, you can discuss reducing your pain reliever usage with your primary physician.

Physical therapy for hip and knee pain relief

You may discover pain relief when you are going through your physical therapy treatments, but what about when you go home?

A major goal of physical therapy is to heal your injuries in the long-term. The various exercises and treatments physical therapist’s use with you will steadily improve your condition so that you experience less pain on a daily basis.

As your body gets stronger and more mobile, you are likely to experience less pain in your hips and knees.

What can I expect from my treatment plan?

If your doctor has told you to take pain relievers every day for your hip and/or knee pain, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations. But it also cannot hurt to ask about alternatives like physical therapy.

Working with a physical therapist can help reduce or eliminate your pain in a variety of ways, including:

  • Ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound is used by physical therapists to apply heat deeper in your soft tissues to provide pain relief. The heat can improve circulation and aid in healing, which can ultimately reduce the pain you experience day to day.
  • Heat and ice therapy. Heat can be used to improve your mobility and decrease the amount of pain you are experiencing so that you can move more freely. Ice can also be used to lessen pain from your hip and/or knee as well as to reduce inflammation.
  • Exercises to improve mobility and flexibility. Often hip and knee pain can lead to loss of mobility and flexibility – which then increases the wear on your joints and leads to even more pain. Physical therapists can take you through exercises to improve your mobility and flexibility so that you can move your limbs and joints in the fullest range of motion that is available based on your body and circumstances.
  • Exercises to increase your strength. Loss of muscular strength can contribute significantly to hip and knee pain because the weaker your muscles get, the more stress is put on your joints. Physical therapy centers around specific exercises designed to target various muscles and strengthen them so that they better support your joints.
  • Identify the causes of your hip and knee pain. There may be one or several reasons why you are experiencing hip and knee pain. A physical therapist can examine your movement to help identify things that are contributing to your pain, such as poor posture, unhealthy walking patterns, or unhealthy movement patterns at work. Once they identify these kinds of issues, physical therapists can tell you how to correct them.

Find relief today!

Please contact Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation today to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist for your hip and knee pain.

We are standing by to assist you!

Find Help for Your Arthritis Pains Today

If you have arthritis pain, then you know all about the difficulties with moving and functioning in daily life that it can present. What you might not know, however, is that physical therapy can help you find relief from your arthritis pain. There is no cure for arthritis, but by using the exercises and techniques that your physical therapist can teach you, the onset of arthritis can be slowed and you will experience less pain overall. Those are some great reasons to schedule a physical therapy appointment today.

How Physical Therapy Can Help with Arthritis

Arthritis attacks the joints of the body, so the goal of physical therapy will be to restore the use of those joints and improve your ability to move around and engage in daily activities. This will be achieved through a combination of exercise to strengthen the support structures around the joints and teaching you how to move and engage in activities without worsening your symptoms. The exact course of treatment that your physical therapist will prescribe will depend on how advanced your arthritis is and which parts of the body are impacted.

The physical exercises your therapist will teach you will be directed toward improving your mobility, range of motion, flexibility and coordination. Additional treatments for your arthritis may include:

  • Posture: Your therapist will teach you various body mechanic techniques that will improve joint function and reduce pain. You will also be taught ways to use your strongest muscles and joints to relieve pressure on arthritic joints.
  • Education: Sometimes arthritis in the hip or knee will require the use of assistive mobility devices, such as a cane or walker. Your physical therapist will teach you the proper way to use these devices.
  • Treatments: Modern physical therapy has a broad range of treatment options available to assist with arthritis pain. Hot and cold therapy can relieve the pain and stiffness in joints; braces or splints can help to stabilize and support arthritic joints; shoe inserts can relieve arthritis pain in the lower extremities; and so on.
  • Environment Modifications: Your physical therapist can make specific recommendations for additional therapeutic aids based on your type of arthritis. These can include ergonomic furniture or cushioned mats in areas of your home or at work where you tend to stand on your feet for long periods of time.

Here’s What a Physical Therapy Session Looks Like

Physical therapy visits are often short in duration. Your therapist will be focused on spotting problems with your physical function that are related to the arthritis, and teaching you methods you can employ at home to relieve pain. The way to actually achieve pain relief from your arthritis is to keep up with the teachings for the long term. The improvement will be gradual, so it’s important that you follow your physical therapist’s instructions.

In order to help your physical therapist to provide you with the best advice possible, think carefully about different physical goals that you might have. For example, you might want to be able to do your daily job without straining your hips or knees, to reach things high up on a kitchen shelf, or to simply get in and out of your car without pain. Expressing these goals to your therapist will aid in ensuring that your treatments are as specific to your goals as possible.

Your physical therapy sessions probably won’t need to be done on a weekly basis. Once every few weeks to monitor your condition and progress should be sufficient. If you are ready for relief from arthritis pain, call our office to schedule your first appointment with a physical therapist.

Physical Therapy: The Key to Overcoming Hip and Knee Pain

Do your weight-bearing joints feel more like pain-bearing joints these days? If you have a hip or knee that just can’t support your body weight without causing annoying aches or agonizing pains, you may be unable to perform your job, play sports, handle household tasks, or even find a comfortable sitting or sleeping position. These limitations and frustrations might have you gulping down painkiller or considering joint replacement surgery. Fortunately, many causes of hip and knee pain respond quite well to physical therapy — the natural approach to pain management.

Why Your Hip or Knee Hurts

Your hips and knees do a lot of work over the course of a lifetime. These joints must withstand the majority of your body weight — not just when you’re standing still, but also as you walk, run, climb or jump. It’s not surprising, then, that a variety of ailments and injuries can plague the knee and hip joints. Your pain and stiffness may be caused by:

  • Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the cartilage that normally keeps the bone ends in a joint from rubbing together. The resulting friction causes chronic pain and inflammation.
  • Bursitis – Both the hips and knees have fluid-filled sacs called bursae that prevent friction between bones and soft tissues. Unfortunately, these sacs can become inflamed from overuse, a painful condition called bursitis.
  • Strains, sprains and ruptures – The knee and hip joints can move thanks to muscles, tendons and ligaments. Repetitive motion or acute injuries can cause a strain (damage to muscles or tendons) or a sprain (hyperextension of a ligament). Athletes are vulnerable to ruptures of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).
  • “Runner’s knee” – An unstable kneecap can lead to chronic knee pain. This condition is known as patellofemoral syndrome or “runner’s knee.”

Various health or lifestyle challenges can worsen a case of hip or knee pain. Carrying extra weight is a prime example. A musculoskeletal misalignment or postural imbalance can place unnatural stress on a hip or knee. Lack of exercise can allow the muscles to weaken, setting the stage for chronic strain and joint instability.

Banishing Pain and Optimizing Function through Physical Therapy Techniques

Getting relief from knee or hip pain doesn’t necessarily involve the use of heavy drugs such as opiates or procedures such as joint replacement surgery. Physical therapy can improve your joint function while also easing your pain and stiffness. Our physical therapist can prescribe exercises aimed at addressing your specific condition, such as:

  • Knee lifts
  • Hip rotations
  • Heel-to-buttock-exercises
  • Mini-squats
  • Hip flexion, extension or abductor exercises
  • Leg lifts
  • Hamstring curls
  • Step exercises

Even an activity as simple as walking to help preserve mobility and reduce pain in arthritic knees or hips. Our physical therapist may also recommend that you receive heat/ice therapy, ultrasound therapy, massage therapy, laser therapy, or orthotic footwear to help normalize your musculoskeletal balance.

Get a Leg Up on Your Pain Relief — Contact Our Physical Therapist Today

The sooner you seek physical therapy for knee or hip pain, the better. Research shows that patients who rehab their hip or knee pain with physical therapy within 15 days of symptom onset have less need for pain injections, medications or surgical intervention. But whatever stage of pain you’re in, it’s never too late to benefit from physical therapy. Contact our team to get started!

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